Find out what MAHIZEL Does!

Committed to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality



Mahizel Integrated Development Organization (MIDO) is a local based NGO envisaging to see a country with robust health system for wellbeing of children and their mothers. Mahizel was founded by Ethiopians of diverse expertise which include Engineers, public health specialists and social workers.

MIDO’s main focus areas are:

  • Promoting healthy behaviors among children and mothers
  • Improving Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (ASRMNCH);
  • Active engagement in research.
  • Women empowerment
  • Child protection
  • Improving children’s lives

Everyone at MIDO, has always put children and mothers, and communities at large first. So we made a commitment to do things differently. And the above overarching focus areas are guided by the following strategic pillars:

  1.  Project Development and implementation
  2.  Advocacy
  3.  Capacity building
  4.  Resource mobilization
  5.  Evidence generation and dissemination
  6.  Policy dialogue and debate
  7.  Partnership and networking



To see a robust health system that can provide quality and accessible health care services to children and women without any financial hardship.



To strengthen the health system so that it would provide accessible, affordable and quality health care services through capacity building and generating evidences and sharing best practices.



National Podoconiosis Action Network (NaPAN)
Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)
Semera University
One of its strategic pillars to achieve its goals, is partnership and networking. MIDO works with a wide-range of partners including governments, non-governmental organisations, CSO consortia, academia, and many others. Partnerships are critical, because it will take the combined efforts of the many to tackle urgently the challenges faced by too many children and their families every day.