Growing well in a dynamic world!

Mahizel Integrated Development Organization (MIDO) is a local based CSO envisaging to see a country with robust health system for wellbeing of children and their mothers. Mahizel was founded by Ethiopians of diverse expertise which include Engineers, public health specialists and social workers.



To strengthen the health system so that it would provide accessible, affordable and quality health care services through capacity building and generating evidences and sharing best practices.


Health workers trained

103, 852

women and adolescent girls reached




under 5 children supported



Ending Obstetric Fistula

A devastating childbirth injury, obstetric fistula is a hole between the birth canal and bladder (called vesicovaginal fistula) and/or rectum (rectovaginal fistula) resulting in uncontrollable leaking of urine and/or faeces.

An estimated 500,000 women and girls in the developing world live with obstetric fistula today.

90% of women who develop obstetric fistula deliver a stillborn baby.

Obstetric Fistula can be prevented through 1) family planing, 2) skilled birth attendants and 3) emergency obstetric newborn care.

Maternal Health

According to the most recent data, approximately 800 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. This is about one woman every two minutes. For every woman who dies, between 20 and 30 will experience injuries, infections or disabilities. Most of these deaths and injuries are entirely preventable. Making motherhood safer is a human rights imperative, and it is at the core of MIDO’s mandate. MIDO works in all regions of Ethiopia at all levels. MIDO trives to ensure reproductive health services, strengthen health systems, and promote safe matherhood cares.

NTDs control and elimination

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are very diverse group of 20 deases  that affect more than 1 billion mostly poor people, mainly in the world’s tropical and sub-tropical areas. They are caused by bacteria, viruses, helminths, ectoparasites, fungi, protozoa or without infectious causes.

Ethiopia is disproportionately affected by a century-long scourge of multiple NTDs. A dozen NTDs inflict morbidity, mortality and disability on the most
disadvantaged population groups and negatively affect socioeconomic

NTDs often affect the poorest and most margnialized groups and are both a cause and consequence of poverty, social inequality and lack of access to basic services.

Why maternal, newborn and child health?

Poor maternal, newborn and child health care remains a significant problem in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Worldwide, 250,000–280,000 women die during pregnancy and childbirth every year and an estimated 6.55 million children die under the age of five. The majority of maternal deaths occur during or immediately after childbirth. A child’s risk of dying is highest during the first 28 days of life when about 3.5% of under-five deaths take place, translating into 2.85 million deaths . Up to one half of all newborn deaths occur within the first 24 hours of life and 75% occur in the first week. 

Since 2000, Ethiopia has reduced maternal and child mortality by half, but a maternal mortality rate of 412 per 100,000 live births and child mortality rate of 67 per 1,000 are still too high. Impressive progress has been made with half of women now giving birth in a facility, reducing the risk of death due to complications during delivery. However, ensuring timely arrival and service quality at facilities remains a challenge.

Good maternal health care and nutrition are important contributors to child survival; maternal infections and other poor conditions often contribute to indices of neonatal morbidity and mortality (including stillbirths, neonatal deaths and other adverse clinical outcomes).

Chronic and acute malnutrition also continue to threaten the lives of young children, and make them more vulnerable to other illnesses. Nearly 4 out of every 10 Ethiopian children are stunted from chronic malnutrition due to the lack of nutrient-rich foods or appropriate care and feeding practices

 Violence Against Women and Girls should end! 

One in three women experience violence at the hand of their husband or partner. That is 800 million worldwide. These women can feel trapped, afraid and their lives are often restricted. Those who consider leaving often fear ending up penniless or losing their children.

Overtime, the confidence slips away making a life without violence seemed a distant memory. The abuse can lead to injuries as well as serious physical and mental problems. In some cases, even death.

Up to 38 % of murders of women globally are committed by their male intimate partners. 

Many women contract sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or have unwanted pregnancies and when pregnant have a greater risk of miscarriage or of having a premature or low birth weight baby.

They can experience depression, anxiety other mental problems or become addicted to drugs or alcohol.

It can be hard to know who to trust or where to turn. But there is a place they can go. A visit to a local clinics is often one of the few opportunities women to go alone. And its important for doctors, nurses to make sure this is not a missed opportunity. When doctors, nurses or midwives listened with compassion, survivors are more likely to share their story. When they ask the right questions, they can uncover what is really happening and challenge cultural attitudes that say it’s okay for husband to hate his wife. They can reassure women to help them stay safe and where necessary connect them with other services that can provide for example shelter, psychological support, legal services and financial opportunities. 

More women can find their way to a life without violence when changes are implemented across health care and other systems. Changes such as private rooms for consultations, training that enables doctors and nurses to respond better to women’s needs and raising awareness of the harmful consequences of violence for women and children and how to prevent it.

Making these changes helps foster a culture where violence is unacceptable and where women have the courage to speak out. Imagine if that could happen to each and every one of those 800 million women. Health Care Providers should then Raise awareness, Learn more about the issue, Listen with care and empathy, Link women to other services and Speak out to end and respond to violence. Governments should also challenge social norms that accept VAW, provide timely access to health services, ensure training of all health providers and strengthen evidence and data collection.



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